Procurement Center for Africa
Procurafrica : Building Africa’s industry

Procurafrica® is a procurement center that provides quality industrial and agricultural supplies to our partners in Africa. Besides the recognized quality of our products, our group buying approach enables us to offer very competitive prices.

We collaborate with many companies in more than 20 countries in Africa thanks to the high ethical and compliance standards we adopted during the last 15 years. You will find here the list of countries in which Procurafrica® is already active.

Procurafrica® benefits from an international presence, enabling us to be close to our selected suppliers and to secure the best opportunities for our clients.

Group buying to serve
your company

Thanks to our group buying approach and our experience in procuring industrial and agricultural supplies, we are able to reduce your sourcing costs across your supply chain and improve effectiveness. Without these constraints, you can focus entirely on your mission.

Our values go beyond simple cost reduction. Our procurement center will go above and beyond to earn your trust and beat expectations. We promote values of respect and quality to both our employees and our clients.

products and service

We are constantly performing quality checks with our suppliers and team members in order to ensure that our products are impeccable. Our after-sales service is at your disposal to promptly answer any questions you may have.

To use all our know-how at your service, that is the mission of Procurafrica®.